Economic collapse, News

Why the US has no debt limit, and the true cost of government



As you may have seen in other news reports recently, the US debt-ceiling was once again raised, and shortly afterward the US debt total spiked upwards by 339 billion dollars in a single day. Neither of these occurrences should be surprising to anyone who reads this website. The Wealth Watchman correctly opined in a recent video that a ceiling that is constantly raised is not a ceiling at all.

Regardless of who is president or what party controls congress, the debt ceiling will hold ho real meaning and will continue to be raised and the debt will continue to snowball until disaster strikes and forces a paradigm shift in the global monetary system – like with much weeping and gnashing of teeth.


In related news, Peter Schiff was interviewed by Fox Business, and hidden in the interview was a very important observation made by Peter; That the true cost of government is not what it taxes, but what it spends. Watch the full interview here:


Author Since: Aug 14, 2014

The Lord Humungus rules the wasteland