Information and Education, Prepping

The best bleach alternative for serious preppers for purifying water in a SHTF scenario

As many of you already know, simple household bleach is one of the best and easiest ways to purify water to kill any harmful organisms and make it safe to drink. Bleach is available for less than $3 a gallon, and it only takes 6-8 drops per gallon (depending on the concentration).

However there is one major downside with bleach – limited shelf life.  After 6 months or so, bleach quickly loses it potency.

Luckily there is an alternative for serious preppers – Calcium Hypochlorite. It is solid granules, so it has an indefinite shelf-life, and is also very inexpensive per gallon of water purified. A pound can purify over 12,000 gallons!

I picked up these and made my own labels to add to the bottles that include instructions on exactly how to use it to purify water.

I made a PDF you can download to print your own instruction label for your calcium hypochlorite as well, and you can download it for free right here:


If you want a long term storage solution for purifying water, consider picking some up for yourself as well.

Author Since: Aug 14, 2014

The Lord Humungus rules the wasteland